Columbus Italian Festival - October 11-13, 2024
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To order prints, please send me the following information via e-mail or regular mail:
1) Name of the Gallery (Event / Family Name & Date) where the images were viewed.
This is displayed at the top of the web page where you viewed the images.
2) Image number of each print desired
3) Size of each reprint you want to order
4) Quantity for each size of each reprint you want to order.
More detail here.
Email me what you want and I will confirm how much it will cost.
VIDEO LINKS - Right Click on Video buttons to open in new window
"Sicilian Tenors" Saturday-first half
"Sicilian Tenors" Saturday Second half
"Lisa Dellarosa"
"Sicilian Tenors" Sunday first half
"Sicilian Tenors" Sunday second half
Catholic Mass Sunday Morning
Marching Band Competition
Italian Folk Dancers & Concert Band
Cory Pesaturo - Accordion